Spring Love

Chocolate Mint Plant | redleafstyle.com

Sorry for my absence. I’ve been outside enjoying the weather and doing lots of spring activities…planting a garden, hunting for morel mushrooms, walking my doggie, planting more plants.

Well, see for yourself…

Chocolate Mint Plant | redleafstyle.comCocoa Shell Mulch | redleafstyle.com

When I spotted this chocolate mint plant at the farmer’s market (top photo), I knew I had to have it. I’m already dreaming about baking scrumptious desserts and sipping on chocolate mint mojitos. I didn’t realize I was going to make a chocolate-themed garden, but that’s kind of what happened. The second photo is a sweet potato vine surrounded by cocoa shell mulch. Yes, cocoa shells! I found the mulch at my local gardening store.

Weeds | redleafstyle.com

This is what my garden looked like before. This plot of dirt covered in weeds sits in the back area of my rental apartment, which is a converted old house. The plot was clearly once a garden because it’s the only strip of dirt in a large area of concrete pavement. Plus, it’s lined with, now crumbling, bricks. It’s an extremely odd setup, which is fitting for the area I live in. It’s not really a patio; it’s not really a backyard; it’s just a random plot of dirt surrounded by concrete. I’ll take it.

And, take it I did. But it was a lot of work. Lots of weeds and lots of trash. Now it looks like this…

Garden | redleafstyle.comPlanting Flowers | redleafstyle.com

On to other spring enjoyables…

Cute Pup | redleafstyle.comSpring | redleafstyle.com

My pup and I enjoying the spring weather. Side note: I love dandelions, even though they’re technically weeds. I used to pick them and make “flower arrangements” as a kid.

Morel Mushroom | redleafstyle.com

Ever heard of morels? They’re super tasty mushrooms that only grow during the spring time. You can’t cultivate them. They only grow in the wild. My boyfriend and I have gone morel hunting several times this season and found bunches. This spring was the first time I’ve ever found any!

And…that’s what I’ve been up to this spring. Tell me about your favorite springtime activities in the comments!

Keep Up With Red Leaf Style!

Follow Red Leaf Style author Kirsten Hudson on Twitter @kirsten_hudsonGoogle+ and Pinterest.

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  1. […] articles: Spring Love Making a Spring ‘To Do’ List Decorating with Spring […]

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