5 Best Houseplants For Your Home

Growing plants indoors renews your space. Plants filter the air and brighten up any room. It just feels good to mix some life in with the rest of your décor, especially after a long winter. Maybe it’s the spring weather coming, but I’ve just felt all planty lately. Houseplants, along with herbs and veggies I’ve started from seeds, are cropping up in every room of my home. Many common houseplants flourish all year long without a lot of maintenance. (My kind of plants.) These five are my favorite easy-to-care-for houseplants. They’ll even thrive for those of you with black thumbs. Aloe Vera You know what’s great about aloe vera? It’s happiest when you leave it alone. I’ve had my aloe vera plant for almost two years and I’ve found that when I coddle it, it starts to wilt. All aloe vera needs is a warm sunny window and very few waterings. Any time I overwater my aloe vera plant, it looses its bright green color and starts to turn a dull grayish-green. Just leave it alone, sit back and enjoy! Dracaena This lush plant requires just a little TLC. It only needs indirect light, making it the perfect indoor plant, and intermittent waterings. I tend to go a week or...