How to Make Beeswax Candles

Candles just make a home feel cozy. It’s something about the soft flickering light, I think. It sets a relaxing mood. With their golden yellow color and light honey scent, beeswax candles are the cozy of the cozy. I’m slightly obsessed with them. Partly because I know that most candles you buy are made with paraffin wax, a by-product of oil refining. They also usually contain synthetic fragrances, which are also made from petroleum. Between the paraffin wax and the synthetic fragrances, many conventional candles seriously pollute your indoor air. The soot created by these candles (I know you’ve seen this black residue on your candles) is extremely toxic. It contains toluene and benzene, volatile organic compounds linked to cancer and neurological damage. Beeswax is the only naturally occurring wax on earth. And unlike candles made from paraffin wax, beeswax can actually cleanse indoor air. If that’s not enough reasons to make your own beeswax candles, just look at how cute they are! Here’s how to make your own. You’ll need beeswax, candle wicks and jars. I bought five pounds of beeswax from this seller on eBay. It came in these awesome stamped chunks. I already had the wicks from a soy...