31 Days of Reimagining: Halfway There

31 Days of Reimagining: Halfway There | redleafstyle.com

After moving into my rental house two months ago, everything in my space still feels like I’m just “making do”. Nothing feels complete. And, it’s making me decorating crazy.

Just making do
My T.V. is still sitting on a cheap black three-shelf bookcase instead of the cute dresser I’ve been envisioning—but can’t find in reality. I still have unopened boxes sitting upstairs and I haven’t started any home projects. My pantry isn’t a pantry at all, but a huge metal cabinet where we’ve been storing food and extra dishes. It really should be in the garage, but right now it’s in our dining room. I’ve been imagining a stylish wooden hutch there instead. Perhaps one I find at a garage sale (for cheap of course) and repaint.

Are my hopes too high?

I’m trying to make do. But making do isn’t really working for me. I find myself walking around my house not knowing how to make it look better. I’m decorating frustrated.

A reimagining reminder
The whole point of this 31 days blog challenge is to show others how to reimagine. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read about the 31 days challenge here.) With this challenge I wanted to show you how to reimagine what you already have and how to reimagine secondhand stuff in new ways and how to reimagine how you view your home. And now I’m finding it difficult to put on my own reimagining glasses.

But I’m realizing as I write this, that these are the times when reimagining matters the most. When you’re frustrated. When loving your home’s imperfections can mean the difference between being happy in your space—or not. When you need to get out of a decorating rut. When you need a little decorating inspiration. I think I just needed a little reimagining reminder. And what better reminder than at this halfway point in my challenge? It’s the perfect time to look back.

I’m going to look back at what I’ve reimagining so far this month. Want to look with me? Start here.

Keep up with Red Leaf Style!

Follow Red Leaf Style author Kirsten Hudson on Twitter @kirsten_hudsonGoogle+ and Pinterest.


This is the sixteenth post in a 31 days blog series called 31 Days of Reimagining. Start from the beginning.

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