Easy Yarn Twig Décor

Maybe you have this conundrum too. You have a bunch of vases you love, but keeping them filled with fresh flowers just isn’t in the budget. Vases are all over my house. I kinda didn’t realize just how many until I started writing this post. I have skinny mini milk glass vases. Pottery. Mason jars. Glass vases. Bottles. They’re everywhere! I like the height they add to vignettes and displays. And, a unique vase just seems to complement any room. Because I like to keep so many vases out and about, I’m always searching for creative solutions for what to put in them. I’m not a huge fan of fake flowers, although some do work. I tend to go for more natural (and typically free) items to fill my vases, like feathers, pinecones, and cedar sticks. Maybe that sounds weird, but these items last, well, forever, and they add visual interest. While trying to come up with something new to fill a vase in my living room, I thought of twigs. I’ve used them before in vases just as is. Straight from the backyard to the vase. (Like farm-to-table, but twig-to-vase.) But this time, I wanted something different. Painting them was...